Pivot Go安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
No level. No timer. The only challenge is your score.
The most minimalistic, yet the most complex game based on your agility and reflexes.
What to do in the game?
Just pass the enemy-dots(yellow dots) through the moving line in such a way that it doesn't touch the pivot points. And be sure, that you don't move beyond the screen.
Seems easy? Isn't it?
Give it a try and find if it actually is or not.
How to control :
Just touch the left and the right part of the screen in order to control the game. Either control the rotation of the moving line by tapping to rotate clockwise or anticlockwise or changing the pivot. That's all you need to do in the game.
Wish you all the best and a happy playing!
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杀手GO 5-7攻略
GO战队(全称Game over)是一支来自韩国的新生战队。在韩国赛区预选赛中,GO战队先后以2:0击败Dragons与Tigers,以小组第二名晋级冠军杯国际赛。预选赛中的GO战队展现出了鲜明的阵容风格与打法特征。其阵容核心思路强调控制衔接与前排坦...