Real Violin Solo (recording sessions, MP3 export)安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
Real Violin Solo is the definitive tool for violin lovers. This great game has powerful graphics and animations, sounds recorded in studio, so you can experience your love for this musical instrument. It is suitable for all ages, musicians, violin players and classical music lovers.
Even you can record your sessions and send the loops to your friends.
The main features are:
- High quality images and sounds recorded in studio. 62 real violin samples!
- Record your own session and later, you can play on it, like a real violin. You can learn from your mistakes or evaluate your progress and skills.
- Export your sessions to MP3 and share your progression with your friends
- Arco normal samples and button for pizzicato technique.
- You can remove ads acquiring a license
- Use it in conjunction with the rest of Batalsoft apps (drum, bass, piano, guitar...) to form your own band.
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