Welcome to DrawParty!
This mobile game for Chromecast is great when having friends or family over. Using an Android phone or tablet connected to a TV using chromecact. Create two teams and the team who guesses most drawings wins the game. You can use the standard pencil tool but also the ruler and spray methods to make things more challenging.
《DrawParty for Chromecast安卓手机版下载》下载版本说明
《DrawParty for Chromecast安卓手机版下载》安卓手机版下载是指系统为安卓的手机上的应用,并且提供下载服务。DrawParty for Chromecast为了增强用户体验,提供更好的服务,让朋友们使用的更流畅,更有立体感。如果你用的是安卓手机,请点击九游,选择下载吧。