Bead 16 - Sholo Guti (Tiger Trap) New 2019安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
Bead 16 - Sholo Guti (Tiger Trap) is very famous ancient turn based strategic board game played in India, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Nepal and some south asian countries. The goal of this game is to capture all opponent's pieces by crossing over them.
This board game is also known as Sixteen Soldiers, Baghchal, Tiger Trap, Qirkat, Bagh Bakri, Cows and Leopards, Goats and Tigers, Damru, Aadu Puli Aattam.
This game is very familiar in almost all the parts of India, Bangladesh and Srilanka. It's specifically a very popular game in rural areas. This game has so much popularity in some areas that sometimes people arrange tournament of this game. Bead 16 - Sholo Guti is a game of extreme patient and intelligence. One has to be very tactful and has to move a pawn (guti) very carefully while playing.
How to play:
This game can be played in two mode, one with computer and another one is with real people sharing the same screen of device. in both mode each player will get 16 pieces (guti). These pieces (guti) can move one step forward on the valid positions of the board. If a player can cross over the pieces (guti) of the other player then the other player's pieces (guti) will be capture. In this way whoever capture all the pieces (guti) of other player's will be the winner.
> Classic design
> Local Multiplayer
> Play with Computer
> Single Player
> Family board game
> 2 player game
> Free and Fun to play
> Two modes of Game Play
> Fun Game
> Board Game
> Family Game
> Strategy Board Game
> Quick Game
> Multiplayer
Join us and play Bead 16 - Sholo Guti (Tiger Trap) Game. Challenge your friends, Play with super bots, practice your strategy and have fun! and it's toally free. so play and remember your chilhood time.
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