Iron of Glory安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
Welcome to Iron of Glory!
It's multiplayer real time SLG. In our game, you will play as a commander in World War II. By all means, both domestic and foreign, you can well develop your country!
After difficult and bloody assaults, the Allies landed on the beaches of Normandy, France, beginning the liberation of Western Europe on June 6, 1944. On that day, we saw a dim dawn shine on the world's fate.
- A vivid world made of 2.25M tiles! Thousands of players can battle online together;
- Classic Euramerican cartoon style! The extreme visual experience shows you a real battle progress in World War II;
- Developed with Unity 3D! Each pixel can tell you an epic tale;
- Globle SLG! Your allies and enemies come from every corner of the world. Every command of yours could affect the whole world!
- High DOF! Abundant Heroes and skills for you to choose! With them you can build a unique formation which can help you dominate the game world.
Join now! Rule your country, build your army, create an alliance, and get ready for battle!
游戏简介:Iron Marines《钢铁战队》这是游戏创作者继获奖作品Kingdom Rush(《王国保卫战》)三部曲之后的又一超凡太空奇幻历险之作。即时、动态以及深度策略的游戏模式将带你穿越到不可思议的未知星球。沉浸式拟真游戏场景、过瘾的游戏玩法、以及超凡绝佳的艺术感和一丝诙谐幽默感带你进入激烈的战争世界。勇猛的士兵、威猛的机甲人和强大的外星人通通等你来统率,并肩迎接最强挑战。...
二十世纪福克斯游戏部门FoxNext Games今天宣布,他们已经收购了开发商Cold Iron Studios,准备以《异形》的背景故事为蓝本,做一款全新的射击网游。这款新的射击游戏将登陆PC平台和主机平台,不过是哪款主机,官 方并未具体透露。
FoxNext Games总裁Aaron Loeb在谈到收购Cold Iron Studios情况时,表示:“Cold iron studios拥...