Like Ironman安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
Like Ironman is a simple game to "kill time" while you're relaxing.
This game can train the ability of your reflexes, making quick and precise decisions, and to know how big your luck is.
How to play it, you just take as many coins to increase your score, energy icon for your flying ability, life icon to extend your life, and avoid the meteor that will hit you. If your life runs out or you fall down because it ran out of energy you will lose.
The longer you fly the more likely your score and the more meteors will hit you.
I hope you enjoy this game.
活动时间:2016-12-06 10:57:00 至 2016-12-08 23:59:00
Miss Like倾情加盟,可爱、性感的软妹带你畅玩《大圣之怒》. 嘿嘿嘿~~如果你是唐僧,你更想遇到哪一位仙子呢?如果你真的遇到了你钟意的仙子,你第一句话会说什么呢?快来说说你的理由和心里话,赢取壕礼吧~~ 活动期间内,在Miss Like中选择一位喜欢的仙子以及写明喜欢的原因、想说的话...