Math Quiz Math Games安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
This game makes you improve your mental calculation and proficiency in mathematics through simple quiz of mathematical formula.
Ability of judgement and fast reaction can be improved since this game demands your mental arithmetic and decision on impulse.
Let our kids feel interested in mathematics from fun study in phases.
Game mode and Study mode.
Length view and Breadth view.
Warning: Strong toxicity
◎ Game
◆ Total 40 phases will be provded by each 10 phases of add, subtract, multiply and divide.
◆ Time is counting down by each level, it convets to score which appears real time.
◆ The result will be visualized by stars or trophys.
◆ The next level will be provided only after completion of prior level.
◆ the scores and stars will be marked for each levels.
◆ Total score will be appeared from all levels.
◎ Study
◆ You can staudy mathematics by add, subtract, multiply and divide.
◆ Unlimited quizs will be provided on each levels.
◆ Will be appeared when you correct the answer, you can also contol or delete the time.
◆ will be appeared when you'r anser is not correct and induce you for the right answer.
This application is mathematics game(study) provided with free of charge.
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