Dice Warfare安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
Dice Warfare is a turn-based strategy board game where the goal is to use your dice to conquer every territory on the map!
How to Play:
On your turn, click a region you control and select a neighboring enemy region to attack. A region must contain two dice in order to attack. Both the attacker and defender will roll the number of dice that their region contains; the larger total of the rolled numbers wins, with ties going to the defender. There is no limit to how many attacks you can perform per turn; you can continue to attack as long as you have regions that are eligible to attack.
When you are done attacking, press "End Turn." You will receive a number of dice, randomly distributed, equal to the highest number of regions you control that are connected to each other. The number of dice you will receive at the end of your turn is displayed on the right hand side of the screen.
If at any point you no longer control any regions, you will be defeated. If you take control of every region on the map, you will emerge victorious!
-Up to 8 players
-Local multiplayer with any combination of human and computer opponents
-Completely fair AI dice rolls (computer players don't have an advantage)
近日,发行商Arc System Works宣布,水墨风横版格斗类游戏《Slice, Dice & Rice》将于今年夏季登陆Switch平台,上架e-Shop商店。
《Slice, Dice & Rice》在2017年4月首先登陆Steam平台,同年12月登陆PS4平台。作为一款格斗游戏,本作将没有血条这样大多数同类游戏中的基本设定,游戏旨在于在对手的防御中找出破绽,使用干...
英雄战歌将亮相DICE CON2017 8月25日为期3天的由资深桌游文化推广平台 DICE 主办的DICE CON将在北京展开序幕。作为华人地区最大的桌面游戏展会,DICE CON经历了两年发展,渐渐地从狭义的桌游概念,发展成一场崇尚游戏性、趣味性、社交性的文化娱乐活动。
日前,EA公布了关于《战地5》大逃杀模式的相关信息,信息中除了玩法介绍和预购奖励外,上面标明的模式制作组竟不是DICE,而是由《火爆狂飙》系列背后的Criterion Games负责开发的。之前就曾有业内人士曝出《战地5》的大逃杀模式并非由DICE开发的消息,现在,EA已经明确告诉你这是真的。