HB Sequencing安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
The award-winning, evidence-based software program is now an Android® app!
First, students go to the sequencing Fun House. Then they use their tokens in the Arcade. Finally they become Sequencing Superstars! HearBuilder Sequencing features 120 illustrated sequences for targeting comprehension and critical thinking. Start out with simple 2-step sequences and gradually progress to 6 steps!
Take a FREE tour of the first level of all the activities in the app. If you have an online subscription to HearBuilder and a student login, you can access the entire program.
HearBuilder Sequencing includes multiple levels of difficulty and 14 different settings variations to target the individual needs of each student. To play, students place events of an everyday activity in a logical order. All you have to do is:
1.Choose a task—either Sequence Stories or Sequence Instructions.
2.Then choose to Show Pictures, Play Audio, and/or Show Text—Turn any of the options on or off to change your treatment goals.
3.Set the range of steps in a sequence (2–6 steps).
4.Click Play Game and ask each student to place the cards in the correct order.
When students complete a level with 80% accuracy, they earn tokens and play fun arcade games.
HearBuilder Sequencing allows you to:
•Monitor progress and track data for an unlimited number of students.
•Individualize each student program.
•Set levels of difficulty for each activity.
•Add background noise at any level and adjust the volume for each student.
•Customize and print reports.
•Analyze all responses.
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