Famous Fables Read, Learn and Play安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
This is an educational game made by a teacher to teach his young daughter and students. With this series I hope to help young children improve their reading, spelling and math.
This app contains the story of the Tortoise and the Hare with more stories to come in future updates.
The app is not monetized in anyway at the moment and contains no advertisements, analytics or in app purchases (we may introduce additional stories as an in app purchase at a later date).
Please show your support for this app if you value educational apps and would like to see this app developed further.
12月7日,App Store的2016年度精选系列新鲜出炉。凭借近一年来在全球范围内的优秀表现,《皇室战争》一举斩获年度最佳游戏的殊荣。
《皇室战争》荣获App Store2016年度最佳游戏
无独有偶,在近日公布的Google Play年度榜单中,《皇室战争》同样表现强势,获得北美地区“2016年度最佳游戏”的称号,同时被列入最具人气游戏榜单。
日本厂商D3 PUBLISHER近日在Android平台推出了一款休闲手游《章鱼烧》(THE たこ焼き),在游戏中玩家将自己亲自动手,料理热气腾腾的章鱼烧。