BioDive VR安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
In BioDive, students are marine biologists using Google Cardboard VR headsets to travel to international dive locations. They will study the impact of abiotic factors on biotic factors across diverse marine ecosystems and then document their learning into their digital science journal.
As students move through the experience, they toggle between their own personal digital science lab journal ( and expeditions in the field, including the Eastern Atlantic, Eastern Pacific, and Indo-Pacific Oceans. They will make observations, collect data, collaborate with fellow scientists, and synthesize their knowledge to write a formal hypotheses about the impact of variables on changes to different ocean ecosystems. Players must have access to the digital science journal to view more than the first scene.
BioDive was developed by a team of science teachers and scientists to model the process of scientific inquiry and discovery. Students use their VR goggles to make observations and use their laptops to manipulate data and to synthesize their observations to demonstrate learning.
This game was created by an award winning team co-founded by a practicing marine biochemist. BioDive was developed with support from the National Science Foundation!
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近日,一向对VR讳莫如深的苹果终于发声了。著名苹果概念设计师Martin Hajek通过视频发布了他设想的苹果公司创作的未来虚拟现实设备的样子。按照Hajek的设想,苹果虚拟现实头显包括两个高分辨率的AMOLED显示器,可以放置在前额,用于增强现实的立体摄像机,支持耳机和Lightning数据线,同时结合了苹果手表的材料和设计,其跟踪传感器和绑带将与苹果手表完全一致。