Magicae Mundi Demo安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
Magicae Mundi is a fun, action-packed game that brings a completely online PVP experience to its players. You are given the freedom to create your own matches, play alone or in teams, and to choose your own magical character for battle!
You battle with up to 10 players per match and can custom pick the number of players, game modes, and even change teams. It's all up to you!
Satisfied with the current players in the room? You can lock the battle room so that other's can't enter!
Once a battle starts, it will take all your skill to master the magical characters. Use all your strategy, guile and expertise to defeat your opponents, before they defeat you.
The winner is the last left alive!
Main features:
° Several servers around the globe, to provide you with the best experience
° Choose your own scenario when creating your game
° Choose your own character for battle
° Play individually or part of a team
° You can use the following powers: a melee attack, basic attack, super attack, simple defense power, healing power and advanced defense power. Choose them in the spellbook!
此前作为“PS4”特供的《生化危机7》最终Demo“初始时刻Beginning Hour”也于今日登陆了Xbox Live商城,这与PS4版一样,都是游戏发售前的最后一次更新。PC版终极Demo将于12月19日推出。
感觉这代生化危机跟之前的是有很大差别,Beginning Hour这个Demo让人人感受到了游戏的晦暗气氛与彻骨寒意,现在Xbox玩家和PC玩家也可以提前感受下游戏的魅力了! ...