Recharge & Get Paid安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
Recharge and get paid Ltd is a telecommunication company that gives you the opportunity to have your personal VTU e-wallet account and be a distributor/vendor airtime, data, cable TV subscriptions and electricity bills and make huge profit like banks and quick tellers. With ur VTU e-wallet account u can be making commission from thousands to millions of people who are recharging and subscribing their phones for their personal consumption daily both the ones u know and the ones u do not know
1⃣ When you register as a member of RECHARGE AND GET PAID LTD, you are given back 20% of your registration package.
2⃣ Whenever you recharge your phone with airtime in RAGP, you are given back 2% of your airtime worth.
3⃣ Whenever you buy DATA in RAGP, you are given back 10% of your DATA worth.
4⃣ Whenever you Subscribe CABLE TV And electricity bills, you are given back 4% (NGN40) of your subscription worth.
Direct referral bonuses
5⃣ Whenever you introduce your friends and families to RAGP business, you are given 20% on each registration package.
Indirect referrals bonuses
6⃣ Whenever your Referrals( those you introduced) introduce their own friends and families ,you are given:
10% of your 2nd generation registration fee.
5% of your 3rd generation registration fee.
2.5% of your 4th generation registration fee.
1.25% of your 5th generation registration fee.
1% of your 6th to 10th generation registration fee.
7⃣ Whenever your referrals or those you introduce recharge their phones (AIRTIME), you are given 0.35% of their airtime worth.
8⃣ Whenever your referrals or those you introduce buy DATA, you are given 1% of their data worth.
8⃣ Whenever your referrals or those you introduce subscribe CABLE TV , you are given 0.5% (NGN10) of their subscription worth.
9⃣ Whenever your referrals or those you introduce pay for electricity bill, you are given 0.5% (NGN10) of their subscription worth.
玩游戏的时候,是不是总是羡慕隔壁的RMB玩家有更高的特权?是不是总是羡慕隔壁的RMB玩家有更多的礼包?是不是总是羡慕隔壁的RMB玩家有更屌的战力?现在,小苍老师告诉你,在《格斗学院》里,人人都可以成为高玩,只要你紧跟小苍老师的步伐,成为高富帅赢取白富美走上人生巅峰都是so easy哒!跟好了没?出发!
《破天一剑》手游帮会玩法除了,帮会跑环任务,帮派战,帮会约战外,最主要的就是帮派技能了,这是玩家提升自身的一个非常主要的途径, 玩家可以通过修炼该项属性提升自己的功力与PVP战斗能力。
这个问题每个人都有自己的解释,那小编也说说自己的见解。先说下勇者吧~勇者可以通过契约以及已知勇者品质有:B A S 三种三种属性的优劣从右致左排列先说说契约:“十连保底一个A”这倒是实话 你第一次玩花了2888钻石十连没一个好的人物,相信都弃坑了 对吧?反正小编是两个A,一个S!玩的炒鸡开心~