Letter Pressure安卓手机版下载_九游手机游戏
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Letter Pressure安卓手机版下载
Letter Pressure安卓手机版下载
Letter Pressure安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
A new fast-paced word game for real-time brain training. Letters drop and roll and you need to create words as quickly as you can. Longer words get you more points! Letters will drop from the top and tapping on them will make a word, e.g. if you tap on a "C", then an 'A", and then a "T", you have spelt the word "CAT". When you have a word, tap the green "GO" button at the bottom, and the word will be accepted if valid or refused if not a real word. You get points for each valid word, with more points for longer words, and each letter has its own number of points, e.g. a "Z" is worth more points than an "A". You get most points for long words with rare letters, i.e. "QUIZZICAL" is worth 38 points as it has a "Q" and two "Z's" as well as being nine characters long. "CAT" only gets you 5 points. If your word is not accepted, you lose 3 points, so best to avoid just randomly guessing. If you misselect a letter, you can unselect it by tapping it again. Alternatively, you can clear all the selected letters by hitting the red "X" (cancel) button. LETTER SCORES Each letter contributes a different amount to the score, and they are colour coded accordingly. 10 points for Z (PURPLE) 9 points for Q (BROWN) 8 points for J and K (GREY) 7 points for X (ORANGE) 6 points for V (CYAN) 5 points for W (YELLOW) 4 points for F, H, Y (PINK) 3 points for B, C, M, P (GREEN) 2 points for D, G, L (BLUE) 1 point for A, E, I, O, U, N, R, S, T (RED) WORD LENGTH Words must have a minimum of two letters. Any words of five or fewer characters get standard points. Words of six letters and above give you a multiplied score, i.e. 6 letter word is multiplied by 1.5 7 letter word is multiplied by 2 8 letter word is multiplied by 2.5 9 letter word is multiplied by 3 10 letter or more words are multiplied by 4. NUMBERS Sometimes, numbers drop instead of letters. If you select a number as well as letters, the entire word score will be multiplied by that number, e.g. if you had selected "C", "A", "T", and a "4", your score for that word would be 5 points for "CAT", multiplied by "4", giving you a total of 20 points. The number can be selected at any point while building the word. Ideally, use numbers on higher scoring words, to maximise their effectiveness. SPECIAL POWERS You have a limited number of special powers to help you when the screen is filling up too quickly. The BOMB button will cause an explosion in a random place on the screen and destroy some letters - giving you a little more time. It will not destroy letters you have already selected. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the bomb button to a specific place on the screen to destroy specific letters. Once you've deployed a bomb, there will be a delay of five seconds while the bomb button powers up. The FREEZE button freezes the whole game for ten seconds giving you a little more time to pick a word without more letters filling up the screen. Once you've deployed a freeze, there will be a delay of ten seconds while the freeze button powers up. Use your special powers wisely as they are in short supply. You can buy more at anytime from the shop. TACTICS With more letters on the screen, you have more choice on what words you can create. But too many letters on screen gets confusing, so try to find a balance. To maximise your score, aim for longer words with higher scoring letters, and top it up with a number multiplier. For example, "QUIZZICAL" is a good high scoring word - the letters alone are worth 38 points (9+1+1+10+10+1+3+1+2). As it's a nine letter word, it's also automatically multiplied by three, giving you 114 points. If you managed to tap a number as well, e.g. a "5", then it would be multiplied again by 5, resulting in 570 points for a single word! Your personal best is stored for each level. Good luck!
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《Letter Pressure安卓手机版下载》下载版本说明
《Letter Pressure安卓手机版下载》安卓手机版下载是指系统为安卓的手机上的应用,并且提供下载服务。Letter Pressure为了增强用户体验,提供更好的服务,让朋友们使用的更流畅,更有立体感。如果你用的是安卓手机,请点击九游,选择下载吧。
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