Super Duper Dare: Adults安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
You and your friends will fall in love with Super Duper Dare . Get your friends to have a good time by taking turns doing dares. Over 1630 free questions . Try it at a party or when bored. Looking for a dirty Truth or Dare Challenge? Long Click for Dirty.
✪ Submit your own questions
✪ Unlimited Players
✪ Over 1630 Questions
✪ Shake device for new question
✪ Keep track of who is winning with a scoreboard
✪ Long Click Truth/Dare for Dirty
✦✦SCORE ✦✦
⍟ Truth | Completed = 1, Forfeited = -1
⍟ Dare | Completed = 2, Forfeited = -2
⍟ Dirty Truth | Completed = 3, Forfeited = -3
⍟ Dirty Dare | Completed = 4, Forfeited = -4
⚯ Please be careful while using the app
⚯ I hold no responsibility for any injury caused to you while using this app
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