Word±± Game Helper安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
Word±± Game Helper (read WordplusPlus) is little app helps you if you got hit by "T _ _ V _ A" cracker like
"name Three 4 letter words stars with F & ends with K" ( F _ _ K )
"name One 7 letter word which starts with B & ends with B". (B _ _ _ _ _ B)
and your brain instantly suggest those "o _ s _ _ne" words and stops after that word.
Don't get e _ b _ _ _ s _ d anymore, its time to feed your dirty br _ _ n with some decent words.
Word±± Game Helper also helps you(to cheat) when
- Playing wordgames like "Sc _ a _ _ l _ "
- Trying to solve "C _ y _ _ _ _ _ _ m" published in newspaper or game in app store
- Playing any "C _ _ _ s _ _ rd" app where you have identified only few letters
- Poorly scanned document where some letters are masked
- Decode "H _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ gs"
- No-more Regular expression(aka RegEx). Never heard it? don't mind, forget it.
- Single screen app.
- Easy word expansion with simple slider.
- Character insertion/deletion anywhere in between words
- Slide all letters left/right
- Maximum word length is 20 characters.(why? see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_word_in_English#cite_note-14)
- No-medical terms
Just wait for interesting feature in upcoming releases.
If you are "spelling bee" then this app won't help much ;-)
Thats all f _ _ ks :)
根本没有游戏There is no game攻略、接下来和小编一起看看
4.像疯子一样的狂点喇叭吧(锻炼手速哦)然后他就被 旁白 给用木板缝住了,不要慌用你的o砸掉木板然后 旁白 会...
活动时间:2016-12-07 10:54:00 至 2016-12-12 23:59:00
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