Storm Hero安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
Player uses the Skate boards in order to collect boosters and different coins and upgrading accessories ,Walrus and Snow bear and Night location creature and
Different creatures will follow the player which is having different characters and different outfits In different locations. Such as night, snow and grass and different levels are upgraded further and the theme is different types of Monsters are chased by the player i.e (Storm Hero ) In order to escape from those monsters player uses the different types of Techniques and by passing and escaping over obstacles through different hurdles these obstacles are literally related to the nature oriented and general consequences if player fails to play by crossing those obstacles such as passing over hurdles and i.e the player failed to play the Game according to the conditions which are provided in this game play so that player will be busted by the creature or Monster hands and he should restart the game in order to complete the level. In order to complete this level player should move faster and faster over crossing different obstacles.
据韩国 Passionnpay 公司即日起正式在全球 Google Play 平台上推出由 PureSky 所开发的全 3D 动作冒险 RPG《Alt Hero》(알트 히어로)。
《Alt Hero》为一款不管男女老幼都可以透过简单触控点击操作来进行冒险,虽然採用全 3D 方式演出,但下载容量却很低,让玩家们可以轻鬆快速进行下载安装的一款动作冒险 RPG,游戏中为了让玩家们能更快融入体...
同样的刀塔不一样的传奇,指尖操作,即时点触,掌控你的每一场战斗!超清殿堂级3D画面,随时随地让你尽享全方位激爽战斗体验! 独创多人互动竞技模式,英雄装备自由搭配,个性化换装,更有魔兽经典副本100%还原, 快集结起来圣光下的勇士!战斗即将开始!
(一) 英雄系统
Ø 英雄通过战斗胜利英雄获得经验或者使用经验药水为英雄增加经验。
Ø 当英雄碎片满足召唤条件,主界面英雄列表会有召唤提示体现
Ø 操作召唤可召唤出指定的英雄
Ø 点击主界面英雄模型或已经召唤出英雄头像,进入到英雄属性查看界面
Ø 界面可查看当前英雄已有的碎片数量和进阶状态
Ø 当英雄达到进阶条件时...