Good Old Doom安卓手机版下载游戏攻略
You will get into a situation resembling a horror film, where you will be pursued by an inadequate elderly woman, and your main goal will be to find a way out in five days!
Collect all the will into a fist to withstand this test! Since you do not know any prehistory, then you must move around the house and collect scraps of information to understand what is horror games happening.
The plot of the game begins here and now: you do not have the faintest idea of how you ended up in this terrible and unfriendly house, and the granny ith plans are completely incomprehensible to you.
Why does she keep you here? There is no answer, but with each passing day the old woman becomes more angry and irritable, so you need to get your legs out as quickly as possible! There are different locks on the entrance door, and you need to find the key to each of them. Traveling around the house you will encounter different objects, some of them can bring you trouble, such as a teddy bear, taking it in your hands, you will find yourself under constant persecution of the grandmother. But it is worth putting it in a cradle standing in the nursery, and you will open another mystery.
The game is given for five days.
But the old woman has an incredible rumor, and she resorts immediately, as soon as she hears a ringing or a strange rustle. And if she sees you, then you will have a hard time - after receiving a heavy blow, in an unconscious state, you are automatically transported the next day. Interact with objects to find all the keys and open the door outside!
The stunning home environment immediately sets up erous scary games adventures!
The game is interactive, because you can try to touch the objects around and wait for the result.
A few levels of difficulty are available!
If you want to get an extra day, collect a picture in the basement!
【图1:内测飙红 好多人都在玩!】
最近在朋友圈非常流行的手游The Room: Old Sins已经开放下载了,不过不少玩家都觉得手机上玩The Room: Old Sins手机屏幕太小,操作不方便,画面不够清晰炫酷。那么如何在电脑上运行The Room: Old Sins这款手游呢?小编现在就推荐一款The Room: Old Sins安卓模拟器给大家!希望能给各位玩The Room: Old Sins提供帮助。以下是The R...
《The Room :Old Sins》引人入胜的世界观及故事情节宛如一部精巧布局的悬疑小说一样,玩家往往追看剧情发展欲罢不能。网易游戏为了让玩家更深刻细致地享受游戏内每段情节,将游戏内所有文字均进行了翻译,无论是游戏提示、剧情书信或是场景剪报,均能显示出对本地化工作一丝不苟的努力。
目镜模式是《The Room》系列一大特点,目镜的微缩世界入面或别有洞天,或隠含着各种破解...