Knowing the Colors版本更新游戏攻略
It will help your child learn the name of the main colors.
With the application learning your child's colors:
- You know the colors.
- Learn examples with each color
- Learn the mix of primary colors.
And have fun with activities like:
- Fidget spinner and colorful wind vane
- Drawings to color
- Coloring drawings in pixels
- Click the color ...
"What color is it?"
- Click on the color drawings ...
A very interactive layout for children to learn.
It's a real explosion of colors!
Come have fun!
And all this in one application totally free!
Knowing the Colors is available in 14 languages:
Portuguese, English, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian, French, Hindi, Italian, Arabic, German, Greek and Korean.
暂定将于日本Bandai Namco 及BXD 新的HTML5 平台上推出的《偶像大师》系列新作《偶像大师SHINY COLORS》近日开始正式进行事前登录活动。玩家可透过电邮、LINE 以及Twitter 来进行登记。
本作为一款偶像育成以及实时对战的音乐节拍游戏。推出平台为手机设备向的网页游戏。玩家是在一家名为‘283 Production’事务所中担当经理人,为旗下所属的偶...
在极限运动中,滑板是极受欢迎的一个分支,无数极限运动爱好者为我们带来了激动人心的视觉盛宴。近日,《Flip : Surfing Colors》已上架App Store,你能在这里享受滑板带来的无穷乐趣。
《Flip : Surfing Colors》是一款休闲跑酷手游。你将踩着滑板,成为一名桀骜不驯的狂娟人士,穿梭在美丽的城市街头,利用自己高超的轮滑技术闯过障碍。游戏采用彩绘画风,你能看到各...