Chess Engines Play Analysis版本更新游戏攻略
top banner, see Tips in help
If during installing, the app starts badly, with the device horizontally; restart the app once.
This app is Not a chess game viewer, for game viewer and And analyze games better, please install:
(see more images and information)
This app is NOT to play Internet chess games, only for play with engines.
A chess engine is a part of the program that calculates the moves
You can play games (Not Online) between engines, and against persons (not online).
Select engine 1 or/and Select engine 2
engine1 vs engine2 or
person vs engine2 or
engine1 vs person
and Run game (click middle button)
you can move the pieces freely. person vs person (not online, only on the device)
You can analyze positions created by board editor or opening Fen file.
Entries app: open fen file and moves from PgnAdmin >= v9.8
-You can install and test all UCI chess engines you want (see uninstall)
commercial engines are Not tested
There are some engines that are not adapted to v5 and later versions of android
- supported Open Exchenge engines
- Engine options/parameters (partial free)
- all ours Stockfish are compiled with O2 and O3 optimizations
- Save basic games in pgn base
- Chess Board Editor
- internal Opening Book, Polyglot. it is based on a tcec tournament
- Add Analysis Engine with preference only for analyze
- PreMove
Spanish (Castilian)
this app has limitations, 70%-80% free.
this app should work from Android v2.2 Froyo
OEX Engines app:
not oex engine
for more info you can see ours others GUI apps:
for good analyzes games
to make engine tournament
We want to thank all mail received from sponsors (It will be studied), designers, SEOs, statistical staff ..., which attempt to help us, but we have not budget for it (as we say in Spain 'no tenemos un pavo eu'). Our apps are little chess programs are not great ideas.
We also thank the mails received by customers with their opinions, requests and bugs of our apps. We try to fix bugs and implement their requests, as long as no interfere with the work of other apps, and can be done.
And of course we also want to thank Google for the large number of resources to be made available to us, which we would need several lifetimes to see them and study them.
Thank you all
转眼间2017年已接近尾声,各大媒体平台的奖项相继出炉。而就在上周,一位修水管的红帽子大叔惜败给了一只会开车的猫。作为全球最具影响力的手机应用平台,Google Play在上周重磅发布了2017年度最佳名单,由《割绳子》(Cut the rope)制作团队Zeptolab推出的战车组装轻对战手游《喵星大作战》(CATS: Crash Arena Turbo Stars)荣获“Google Play...
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荣获「Google Play 2017 年度最佳游戏」殊荣的,是曾开发过《割绳子》(Cut the Rope)系列的游戏厂商 ZeptoLab 的新作 CATS: Crash Arena Turbo Stars,在 AppStore ...
日本厂商 D2C R 新作手机游戏《声优生活》(日:こえかつ)(iOS/Android)已于近日正式上架。
本作是一款语音收集游戏。玩家将扮演声优经纪人,帮助角色们实现声优梦想。游戏内搭载了 Live2D,角色会对触摸作出各种反应。此外独特之处在于本作可通过‘白纸台本’,将想让声优念的台词提交给官方,说不定真的可以念出来!?(‘白纸台本’可通过付费转蛋获取)