duo love ball 2018版本更新游戏攻略
duo love ball 2018
It's time to use your brain and find a way to bump the balls!
How to Play.
You have a red ball when you touch the screen start to turn on the white circle and when the ball is blue and converged with the red Click on the screen to win.
You'll surely love this game once you get how it works!
* Free to play, play it anywhere anytime
* Suitable for all ages
* Simple rules but a little difficult to clear the level, you'll find the addiction.
* Now try to get a higher score and share it with your friends!
Downloaded this game in hopes of having something new to play when bored.
Love Balls Games Features:
- Free to play Love Ballz, play it anywhere anytime
- Simple rules but a little difficult to clear the level, you'll find the addiction.
- Now try to get a higher score and share it with your friends!
- Suitable for all ages
- duo Love Ball game for android
Recent changes:
Love Balls || It's time to use your brain and find a way to bump the balls!
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