Armor Circles版本更新游戏攻略
Tap on the screen to shoot balls straight into the core and boom through the circles' rotating armor. Your goal is to hit the protected dot in the center and break the wheel's defense into tiny cubes.
Game modes:
- Classic Mode: The wheels run in a straight rotation path. Don’t touch colored shells. Succeed by shooting at the middle.
- Termination Mode: To advance you jump from circle to circle. Cool down and focus. After the wheel's line falls short of targets, a new shootable line rolls out.
- Expansion Mode: A special challenge to test your skills and reflexes. Can you beat all the floors?
- Go Round: In this mode the ball follows the rules of orbital gravity and spheres around the other rotating wheels in and endless loop. After tapping, the ball hops at the tile and bounces back to its orbit.
Armor Circles: Completely free to play!
Temmie Armor是《传说之下》中一个防御力20的护甲,他可以每隔一个回合恢复玩家一定的血量,如果善良路线没有这个护甲不升级没技能打最终BOSS就很难打,下边就给大家带来Temmie Armor的获得方法,大家可以去拿一下。
Temmie Armor获得方法分享
Temmie Armor可以在Temmie的商店买到,Temmie Village从Waterfall发光蘑菇那个房间下方的道...
由于时下大批虐心手游的推出,不难看出有许多玩家已经把喜欢的游戏类型逐渐转向一些非主流的作品,从《Flappy Bird》开始,这种“病态”体验就已经开始逐渐蔓延且一发不可收拾,总觉得在这些虐心向游戏当中寻找到了一丝有别于其他类型游戏的别样快乐。然而上周苹果商店推出的一款名为《Running Circles》的游戏,便又一次让虐心游戏得以延续,同时也将虐心程度再次升级。