Hot Dice - 10K - Farkle版本更新游戏攻略
10,000 is a fun dice game that is played in various ways. This version has both 5 and 6 dice game modes with some settings adjustable to suit different playing styles. It is fast paced, more visual and super fun. Steal/piggyback option available to help build some big scores.
|**10000 - Hot Dice Game**|
- Modified version of 10000 also known as Farkle, Zonk, Zilch, 10000 and Wimpout
- Up to 4 players, in person or play against up to 3 computers
- Choose 5 or 6 dice game in settings
- Option to steal (piggyback on) previous players' leftover dice if not bust, to build large scores
- First to 10000 points wins
Scoring and Game Play:
- First player to 10,000 points wins
- Roll dice
- 1's count as 100 points and 5's as 50
- Single and double 2's, 3's, 4's and 6's count as 0
- 3 pairs count as half of the straight score set in 6 dice game
- Triple 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's and 6's count as 100 x dice value e.g. Three 5's would be worth 500
- Quadrule 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's and 6's count as triple value x2 e.g. Four 5's would be worth 1000
- Quintuple 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's and 6's count as quadruple value x2 e.g. Five 5's would be worth 2000
- 6 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's and 6's count as quintuple value x2 e.g. Six 5's would be worth 4000
- Same scoring applies for 1's except triple 1's are worth 1000
- Straight is worth 1000 or whatever value you set in settings
- All 0's equal bust and next player rolls dice
- If you don't bust you can take 1's and 5's, triples, quadruples and quintiples of your choosing and lock them in by hitting "Mark". Then decide to roll again with remaining dice or end your turn.
- If you use all dice on table, you get to roll all dice again and build your score
- If you play with an opening score set (check settings), you must keep rolling until you reach the opener or go bust before you can end your turn
- If you play with steal on (check settings). Any dice left on board from previous player that didn't bust can be rolled by the next player in order to build from the points of previous player.
- You cannot steal if you haven't reached the opening score
- You cannot steal from a player that just opened
End Game:
- If exact 10000 is set in settings. Player must roll exact number of points to reach 10000
- Player cannot take less points than on table if those points bring him over 10000
- If player rolls more than 10000 then they bust and next player plays
- If exact off first player to cross 10000 wins
日前,EA公布了关于《战地5》大逃杀模式的相关信息,信息中除了玩法介绍和预购奖励外,上面标明的模式制作组竟不是DICE,而是由《火爆狂飙》系列背后的Criterion Games负责开发的。之前就曾有业内人士曝出《战地5》的大逃杀模式并非由DICE开发的消息,现在,EA已经明确告诉你这是真的。
《Game of Dice》,是一款在大富翁类玩法基础之上,加以部分特色玩法改良的棋盘策略手游。此前,在韩国、港台等国家和地区上架,均获得良好成绩。目前看到部分安卓渠道已经开启预约,8月31日游戏或将全平台登陆中国。