Hero never dies版本更新游戏攻略
* Chat battle
The opponent's attack will be done after own attack, like chatting.
There is no randomness in damage and it is almost fixed.
* Party
Select 5 out of 15 member excluding the hero.
Depending on the combination of the party,
it has the potential to demonstrate many times more power.
* Bonds
If the bonds rank between companions become the highest,
they can acquire each other's skills.
* How to raise the bonds rank
The bonds rank of the party member will rise when finish the adventure.
Also, the bonds rank of the party member who acted together at the previous/following action with will rise, too.
* Skills (a party member always has one skill)
Fixed skill ... Although it is highly effective from the beginning, even if the level goes up, the strength remains intact.
Growth skill ... Prove one's merits by becoming high level but weak at low level.
* Level
The upper limit is 5 (slight increase according to conditions).
Status rising at level up is fixed.
* Experience Bonus
Growth is faster if you fight a lot.
(The fought buddies are further added to the usual experience value.)
(一) 战役地图
Ø 战场分为闯关、试炼、秘境、远征四个战场玩法类型;
Ø 通过沙盘的关卡入口可以查看关卡详情
Ø 战役分为普通、精英两个难度,每个难度的战役产出材料的方向不同;
Ø 战役开放多个地图供挑战,打完前置章节即可开放后续的地图关卡
(二) 出征功能
Ø 关卡详情中可以查看关卡描述、关卡消耗、掉落以及地方阵容等;
Ø 当玩家三星通关战斗后开启扫荡功能;
(三) 战...
(一) 英雄试炼概述
Ø 活动副本分为四种,分别是折戟山谷(掉落装备)、科赞群岛(掉落装备进价卷轴)、攻塔战(掉落经验道具)、防御战(掉落金钱)
(二) 英雄试炼规则
Ø 活动副本是通过根据开放等级和玩法的不同,可以获得固定装备、道具。
Ø 胜利条件都为击杀所有敌方单位,失败条件都为己方单位全部死亡。
Ø 活动副本都可以进行手动战斗,也可以切换成自动战斗。
Ø 活动副本失败不扣除体力和...