Make Glass Happy2019版本更新游戏攻略
The glass is very sad and it's empty.
Take fantastic pen and start draw a line to make the glass filled up with liquid and smile again!
Try to find the better way to complete each level.
Every level has challanging to make happy glass!
You can come up with your own solution so be creative and don't be affraid to think out of the box!
Get max star and beat your friends to show them complete all the levels.
* Simple, smart and fun puzzles but can be challenging too
* You can easily draw lines to complete the levels and put the water in happy glass.
* Use hints if in trouble.
* Challenge your friends and play against them.
* Harder than you think.
* Simple, intelligent and fun puzzles!
Make the happy glass with your mind and when you stuck use hint and go ahead towards the next level.
happy glass81-90关怎么过?一共10道关卡,每一关的难度都不一样,只要让水管里面的水顺利到达玻璃杯,并且需要一定的水量,才能通关成功,在这个过程中会有不同的阻碍,需要用铅笔画出各种线条,顺利通关,81关-90关的具体攻略分享如下。
Too hard to make an I wanna最近吸引了大批玩家的关注,有很多玩家都在找Too hard to make an I wanna礼包激活码,想要在游戏中快人一步,那么领取丰富的礼包是每个玩家进入游戏前第一件必做的事情,九游为您提供众多的新手礼包、特权礼包、新服礼包、公会礼包等,里边包含装备、道具、材料、钻石、金币等丰富物品,助你快速提升自身实力。下边小编就来说下Too har...
Happy Glass破解版v0.2
快乐玻璃杯第20关怎么过?这关可难住了不少的玩家,那么今天就让九游小编为大家带来,Happy Glass第20关图文攻略。