Crowd City: Zombie Survival版本更新游戏攻略
Are you ready to fill streets of a city with crowd of zombies? Gather your army of zombies and like tsunami rush with your crowd through streets of city. Create your own zombie apocalypse and add zombies of other players to your crowd. Show the city that tsunami of zombies will erase everything from streets of the city. Rush through the streets of the city with your zombie army and add more units to your crowd by touching usual citizens in our survival simulator. Creating zombie apocalypse in our survival simulator is a fun thing, so show the city how zombie tsunami looks like. Rush with your zombie army through streets of the city in our survival simulator. Add to your crowd usual people and zombies of other players, but make sure that their crowd is smaller than your army is. Create local apocalypse in this survival simulator. Rush through the city with your crowd of zombies and like a tsunami erase everything from streets of the city in our new survival simulator: Crowd City: Zombie Survival.
In this survival simulator, you will create a small zombie apocalypse. Rush through the city like a tsunami. Gather your crowd of zombies and create an apocalypse. Erase everything from your way. Make streets of the city empty with your zombie tsunami. Start with one zombie and create a crowd by touching people. When you will have a small army of zombies, find weaker crowds of other players, add them to your crowd and create a zombie tsunami. Evade crowds, which have more zombies, as they can eliminate your army. Rush through the city with your crowd and create a real zombie apocalypse, erase everything that moves from streets of the city in our new survival simulator. Share this survival simulator with your friends and find out who will create the biggest crowd in the game. Show to the city power of a zombie tsunami in our survival simulator.
Crowd City: Zombie Survival is a free to play simulator of zombie apocalypse. Like a tsunami, rush with your zombie crowd thorough the streets of the city. Start with one zombie and create moving apocalypse by adding usual people to your crowd. Eliminate crowds of other players with your zombie tsunami. Erase everything, which lays on way of your zombie tsunami. Call your friends and compete. Show your friends that your crowd will be the biggest in the city. Start creating a zombie apocalypse in our new survival simulator.
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Crowd City怎么玩?还不知道怎么玩的朋友们,下面游戏小编就为大家带来Crowd City玩法攻略,接着往下看吧。
Crowd City怎么玩?
Crowd City怎么击败敌人?Crowd City是抖音非常火爆的一款小游戏,小伙伴们可以在游戏中操控自己的角色,召集散落的人群组成队伍进行攻击!那么如何击败对手获得高分!下面是小编整理的Crowd City怎么击败敌人攻略。
Crowd City怎么击败敌人