Ninja Street Fighters: Endless Kung Fu Fighting版本更新游戏攻略
Do endless kung Fu fighting with the ninja street fighters. Become a ninja master in the karate fighting games. Learn different fighting styles and become a karate hero. If you like action games then play this combat game.
%%% Super Ninja Villains %%%
Have endless street fighting with ninja heroes. Become a true master with king fighters. Play the new fighting games with grand masters. Knock enemies hard in the new action RPG.
%%% Warrior Battle Games %%%
Play this ultimate action game and have epic fight with the Kungfu fighters. Defeat powerful enemies on the night streets. Face various enemies in the battle arenas. Beat your opponent players in the real Kung Fu fights.
%%% Become Karate King %%%
Become a karate hero and a ninja master in the largest fighting battles. Improve your Kungfu skills and beat the fury fighters. Play the fighting games battle and also compete with the fighters girls.
%%% Kung Fu Fighting Championship 2018 %%%
Crush opponents in the combo fighting games. Play this warrior game and have combat fights with the pro fighters. Also, become a real fighter by using perfect karate kicks.
%%% Super Villains %%%
Play this new karate game and have street fights with the Japanese ninja villains. Fight with the ninja Kung hero and dodge enemy attacks. Avoid hitting enemy powers on the road fighting.
%%% Epic Battles %%%
Join the fighting club and enjoy street fighting games. Become a ninja Kung with the new attacking games. Fight master battles with the mighty fighters. Use different Kung Fu fighting styles in the free fighting games.
%%% Famous Kung Styles %%%
Learn the cool Kung and fight in the karate training mode. Beat your street rivals in the fighting wars. Fight with super ninja heroes and grand superhero fighters. Learn Kung Fu and use it against Kung monsters.
%%% Grand Crime City %%%
Explore the super city and have big fighting games in the story mode. Have one to one fighting in the arcade mode. Select your street fighter opponents in versus mode. Use special combos, kicks, punches, and super techniques.
%%% Endless Levels %%%
Complete the levels to go on next stages. Use special superpowers at evil villains and super enemies. Also, use mix martial arts and win the fighting championship. Take part in ultimate tournaments. Throw fireballs at the different fighters.
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