Chemistry Trivia Game版本更新游戏攻略
If Chemistry was your favorite school subject, this fun educational quiz game for adults “Chemistry Trivia Game” will also become your favorite pastime! Do you know all chemistry elements and chemical compounds, and you enjoy dealing with chemical formulas and equations? Download this new free brain game for high school kids, adults and seniors and test your knowledge with this “chemistry quiz” easily!
➜ 5 levels of difficulty in the endless quiz questions and answers;
➜ Choose one of the offered answers and do it fast, the clock is ticking;
➜ Give the answer quickly and win extra points for being fast;
➜ Be careful not to make three errors in a row or else you'll have to start over;
➜ Use one of 3 available helps to solve the question:
*50:50 – remove two incorrect answers;
*Switch your question with another one;
*Use the help of your friends – take a look at their answers shown in percents.
Come on, all you quiz lovers out there – obtain this Chemistry Trivia Game and quiz up immediately! Play a brain-engaging trivia knowledge trainer free of charge, and quiz yourself anytime and anywhere! Spin the quiz wheel now and give the correct answer as quick as you can in order to earn bonus points!
This top fun educational “brain training game for adults”, as you can see, is not only a time killer app – Chemistry Trivia Game is a real treasury of general knowledge concerning chemistry. Start your quiz quest today and enjoy having fun with your friends and family!
Try to solve this chemistry test and you'll get an insight into your level of knowledge! Chemical reactions are fun, especially if you get them as quiz questions with offered answers – choose the right one as fast as possible and beat your friends' score in this trivia game! Chemistry quizzes are the best brain games apps for Android™, and learning will become more than fun with these quizlet free games for education!
Atoms, molecules, electrons, chemical elements and laws, organic and inorganic chemistry and much more chemistry stuff are waiting for you in Chemistry Trivia Game! These quiz questions and answers are quite interesting and sufficiently challenging, yet not too difficult, although the app may seem an impossible quiz game at times! All in all, if you are looking for an educational brain teaser that will get you fully entertained, select this brain training “knowledge game” and you won't regret! Trivia quizzes are good for teenagers, adults and even seniors! These fun chemistry games will keep you occupied for a long time with more or less difficult and tricky questions and amazing graphics! Finally, you can learn new things while taking a ride to school or coming back home from work! Install this “chemistry game” for free on you smartphone or tablet and answer all these quick quiz questions! Teenage girls and boys as well as adults will all enjoy this free quiz up trivia game! Sit back, relax and quiz it up now!
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