Play of words版本更新游戏攻略
Excellent game of words and definitions. Play pasa palabra!
The game is composed of 4 minigames:
- The player chooses a category. Each category has words that contain or start with the same letter.
- The player must hit as many definitions as possible.
- When the player misses two definitions the game finishes.
- It is the famous hangman game.
- The player chooses a category. Each category contains words of the same subject.
- The player has 150 seconds to guess as many words as he can.
- For each word the player can go wrong up to 7 letters.
- Every time he succeeds or depleted 7 failures, a new word to guess appears.
Letter by letter:
- The player chooses a category. Each category contains words containing the two letters that define the category.
- The player has to guess the words described.
- The player has 150 seconds to guess as many words as he can.
Words staircase:
- The player chooses a category.
- The player must arrange the letters to get form the 4-letter word corresponding to the definition.
- Using the letters of the previous word plus a new letter that the game offers, should form the 5-letter word corresponding to the new definition.
- The above step is repeated up to solve a word of 9 letters.
Try this application, you'll have a great time and you'll learn a lot!
Moreover, you can share your results with your friends!
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