Reach control with your skill and many features!
With lines you can "control" the ball, but beware: As soon as something is drawn, the gravity is increased! This will give you momentum to get over the next obstacles. However, there are also some red obstacles that you should not touch...
Prepare yourself on 16 levels with power-ups, animations and numerous pitfalls!
Compare yourself with your friends high scores after each successful level! Who has made it fastest and with the fewest lines to the goal?
If the same design gets on your nerves at some point, don't worry, there are plenty of designs for a change. Collect new coins every day in the levels to buy additional power-ups or designs.
在今年的E3上,Remedy公布了新作《Control》,那么《心灵杀手2》还有希望吗?在回答dualshockers的问题时,Remedy的Mikael Kasurine...
玩家在游戏中扮演主角Jasse Faden(由科特尼·霍普扮演,她曾在《量子破碎》中担任贝丝·瓦尔德的扮演者),她是游戏中联邦控制局的新领导。在上一任领导去世之后,她得到了晋升,并且这次晋升也让她得到了某些能力,这种能力...
Control这是一款充满着次时代魅力的战争类型游戏,《Control》即将于8月27日正式发售。近期,在Epic Games Store的商品页内也已更新了本作的PC配置需求,这由505 Games负责发行,《心灵杀手》《量子破碎》开发商Remedy制作的全新动作冒险游戏,如果想要感受光线追踪效果,就需要至少RTX2060显卡的加持了。最近不少玩家都非常想要知道这款游戏哦诶之的信息介绍,想要玩这...