Reiwa Photo Collagenew name of an era版本更新游戏攻略
You can make "Reiwa Photo Collage". Reiwa is new name of an era in Japan!!
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【令 和】"Reiwa" is a part of the scene in the “Umehana no Uta 32 syu introduction”,「梅花の歌三十二首 序文」, in the Japanese songbook “Manyoshu”, 「万葉集」,vol. 5
Among the Japanese eras whose sources are known, it is said that, "Reiwa" is the first era came from Japanese classics" .
Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs explains [Reiwa] means "Beautiful-Harmony."
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Purpose of this application is "personal use".
Please do not use it to slander to others.
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