Fruits Fancy Jewel Magic Match Master版本更新游戏攻略
Different Application Styles,
beautiful fruits, interesting levels, all you want is in this game splash this new lightning shot with Slide Match 3-5 amazing pieces!
Fruits Fancy - the juicy farm displays:
- Hundreds of levels of the best touch arcade games with various challenging targets
- Special challenges like breaking ice and delivering portal keys
- Have fun by blowing up fruit after finishing the target
- Easy and fun to play, even more fun when played accurately
- Play and compete with friends
- Stay updated with new levels and surprises
Fruit Jewel Features:
- Colorful and vivid fruits.
- Easy to learn, hard to master.
- Reward players with many achievements.
- Exciting and delicious fruit trip.
- Leaderboards in friends circle and world.
- Two play mode: puzzle and arcade.
Download and enjoy the game NOW! No need for internet, no experience needed!
关于首款集换式卡牌游戏(CCG)《万智牌》,我想很多朋友都听说过。近几年,《万智牌》有转战移动平台的趋势,以每年一款的速度不徐不疾地推出了好几款游戏,去年的《万智牌:旅法师对决》号称邀请了15为游戏大神前来助阵,最后推出后却表现平平,没能抢过《炉石传说》的风采。近日,开发商 Wizards of the Coast 将再接再厉,推出“旅法师对决”的续作——《万智牌对决:起源 Magic Duels...
AR创业公司Magic Leap在新一轮融资中获得7.935亿美元的投资,阿里、谷歌都参与了本轮融资。据外媒估测,完成C轮融资后,Magic Leap的估值至少达到45亿美元。
45亿美元是什么概念?两年前Facebook收购Oculus的时候,出价也不过是20亿美元,也就是说Magic Le...