1919 the Atlantic war版本更新游戏攻略
Is the year 1919, in the end of the World War I. You command an air force to stop
the enemy's attack in the Atlantic Ocean.
Control Pad - Move your plane
A button - Makes your plane invincible for a few seconds
B button - Shoot
Start Button - Start the game/Pause
Select Button - Choose your mode of play
[Game Play]
First of all, you are going to choose a mode of play. Here are the 3 modes:
1 player - Start a 1 player game
2 player - Start a 2 player game. Each player takes turns to play.
Continue - This mode is only active when you lose all your lives. Lets you
continue the game, starting from the last mission you have played.
The game basic is simple: Shoot to all. There is no allies in this game, so you
have liberty for shooting down all the planes that you will see.
When you are about to finish a Stage, you will see a large aircraft carrier. In
this moment all the enemies will explode. Then, you will finish the
stage. At the end you will receive the percent of accuracy of the shoots you
have made, and a Bonus if you still have Retreats. 1000 points for Retreat.Yo
also receive a bonus for your accuracy. For example, if you have 87% of
accuracy, you will receive a 8000 point bonus.I don't know how they calculate
the points for the bonus, but take it anyway.
While you are playing, you will notice an F in the screen. That's the number of
Retreats you have. To use a retreat, press the A button. Retreats make you
invincible for a few seconds.
Sometimes, a lonely green plane will pass in the right or left of the screen.
Shoot it down for a bonus of 5000 pints.
Some stages have a boss plane. The Boss plane is REALLY, REALLY HUGE and a
really pain. Is somewhat easy to kill, only worry about yourself crashing on the plane wings and pressing fast as you can that damned button.
- Score: 20000 points
- Shoots you will need to kill it: 35-40-45-50
There are a special group of Red Planes. If you shoot all these, you will
receive a power-up. For more information of the power-ups, go to power-up section.
Finally, there are NO SAVE MODE on this game. So you will have to complete the
32 stages without quitting the game.
You recognize a power-up when you kill a Red Plane Squad and see in the screen
an item that says “POW”. There are 5 types of they:
Blue POW - Gives your plane 4 shoots instead of 2 at the same time
White/Red POW - Makes all the enemies on the screen says KABOOM!
White POW - Gives you 2 allies for help! At last, we see that you aren't alone
on this war. Your allies can shoot 1 ammo at time, combined with the Green POW
gives you a grand total of... 6 shoots!!
Red/Orange POW: Gives you another Retreat
Red POW: This is rare. Gives you another life.
All the POWS give you 1000 points. Getting a Power-up that you already have give
you only points. And if you have lost an ally and get a White POW, you don't get
it back. You gonna lose all your allies for taking another 2 more.
Download now and enjoy!
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【 预约有礼 虚位以待 】
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