Nova Rush版本更新游戏攻略
The game nova rush is a boss rush, top-down shooter where you take control of a small ship and have to take down other bigger and badder ship. The game control includes swiping left and right to move, swiping up or down to change your ship bullet color. To deal damage to the enemy and their bullet you will have to shoot them with the same color, if your bullet is the opposite color than it will heal them instead. The game have 12 bosses and 3 playable characters, all of which have their distinct features.
The main objective of the game is to defeat all of the bosses and unlock all the character, with 12 different bosses and 3 playable characters. Each time you beat a boss, the next boss will be unblocked, by defeating all the bosses, you unlock a new character. When a new character is selected it reset all the bosses, and you have to play through the game again with the just unblocked character.
《Rush Wars》是Supercell最新推出的一款快节奏策略手游,游戏中有许多不同的兵种各司其职,面对不同的战局我们需要安排不同的兵力和阵容,不少萌新小伙伴可能还不清楚里面的指挥官有哪些,小湖这里已经为大家准备好了指挥官大全供大家一览。
Rush Wars指挥官大全
Chess Rush有哪些羁绊?在与多多宣布合作之后不久就立即宣布推出并隔日就上线的本作引起了不少玩家的关注。而由于率先在海外开启测试而不在国内提供下载的缘故,很多玩家虽然好奇此作和正作或者其他竞品之间的区别却难以得知。今天就为大家带来腾讯自走棋Chess Rush英雄羁绊一览。
著名游戏厂商Supercell最近推出一款休闲策略新游《Rush Wars》,这款新作采用卡通画风,并且集结了之前多款作品的精髓玩法,很多小伙伴已经迫不及待地抢先玩起了国际服,而这其中就涉及到一个语言问题,我们知道国际服游戏大多都是英文,那么Rush Wars怎么改语言,怎么设置中文呢,下面小湖就来给大家解答一下。
《Rush Wars》目前已经在部分海外地区上架了,分别是加拿大、澳大利亚、...