Modern Warplane Air Gunship Battle 3D版本更新游戏攻略
It's not the type of game of rescue aeroplanes, but a 3D gunship battle game. Like the hero Rambo, the game is belligerent and hot-blooded. You’re homeless, and have no ally. You will probably cross Apache, Atlantis,
even reach the brim of the world, and be going to flying like a hawk to combat against targets. It is not a ForeFlight Mobile of airlift developed by ARI, you gotta be like the hero Rambo to throw missiles in this game.
It doesn’t need to fare the game either, all you have to do is take up arms, drive a battleship in the oxygen-thin sky, and fight as a major to punch enemies who are as homeless as you.
In Modern Warplane Air Gunship Battle 3D, there are more than 100 missions need to be finished in the game. If you complete the mission in time, you can purchase mission props and unlock the next mission.
To complete the task you need to make the warship active firstly from the base and fly towards the enemies’ attack area resolutely like Rambo. When enemies' aircraft enter your deadly zone of attack, the chief task is to aim at them,
then plan to attack the target. Protect yourself from their fire and rocket launchers. Hijacking and being hijacked are just between a read.
While the enemies are powerful, you are a well trained elicottero striker. Now that You have been in the middle of dead war desert, you need to target and recon their multiple camps, ships, tanks and other equipment.
The alley you feel most comfortable with, is a bomber loaded with ammunition and some of the most advanced weapons around the world. So just show off your skills and defeat an enemy is as simple as to
defeat a homeless canter with no strength, and then hijack what you deserve. You can exchange war trophies for money to reconstruct your hawk-like gunship. That's the particular joy of the game.
But I’ll tell you, there will be no coppers who maybe ride on a Halley motorcycle with a ringing bell here to arrest you when you’re ready to landing. As fierce as a hawk, even more fierce than it.
Every level in the game has different missions, various environments, such as a desert hill, a deep sea and so on. The amazing sound quality will make you experience the excitement and horror of the game,
just like you are in a real battle now. The game makes you feel joyful in battle after battle, and the big bangs seem to reconstruct the pomp of 1942. Recently, we have introduced 3D graphics for the game.
Modern Warplane Air Gunship Battle 3D Features:
- Multifarious types of helicopters
- The most effective ally:plenty of ammunition and advanced equipment
- Real scenery and 3D graphics (For example, when flying, it's as if you're actually breathing oxygen thousands of meters in the air)
-Lifelike sound effect of firing
- More than 100 joyous missions need to be finished
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2014年1月18日0:00 - 2014年2月8日24:00
日本游戏厂商coly推出的女性向手游新作《On Air!》(オン・エア!)近日正式公布,这是一款以明星声优养成为题材的作品,预计今年春天推出,官方网站及Twitter已同步公开。