Dragon link版本更新游戏攻略
Dragon link it's a game of puzzle and link between images and similar colors. There are a set pictures of dragons and animals that needs to be linked with similar images. There is also a range of different species in terms of difficulty degree. Is a nice, easy and interesting game. Can played by all ages . Especially kids. It's also a free game you can play anytime, anywhere.
原定于2016年4月推出 RPG《LAPLACE LINK(ラプラスリンク)》(iOS/Android/网页)在沉寂了将近一年后,于近日在Twitter上给出了最近游戏的日程安排。
《LAPLACE LINK》预定将于1月末至2月初面向mobage和Android平台的BETA测试,在2月对游戏最后修正和追加语音内容后,将会在3月全平台上架。而且BETA测试的资料可以引继到正式版。
活动时间:2016-03-19 00:00:00 至 2016-03-27 23:59:00
万代南梦宫推出的IOS/安卓双平台游戏《Tales of Link》(羁绊传说)正式在IOS平台上架、游戏采取道具收费的运营模式推出。喜爱传说系列的朋友们赶紧行动起来吧。