Tarzabot is a short, circular robot who rolls around on 3 wheels. Players will quickly realize where Tarzabot gets his name from because his 3 wheels aren’t his only means of getting around. He has grapple hooks that can be shot out of his arms and when the grapple hooks attach to enemies or structures, Tarzabot retracts his cable to pull himself towards his targets.
Players can extract energy from enemy bots. Tarzabot does not have any real weapons and this could make players feel a bit hopeless since they can only rely on the grapple hooks, but they must try to dodge projectiles and damage their enemies by means of the grapple hooks and cleaver maneuvering alone, so the feeling of accomplishing so much with so little should offset the hopelessness. The game should feel unique with a new and liberating style of movement.
The story goes.... Evatron, a global leader in tech, designed and discarded Tarzabot as an unusable prototype. A group of rebels found Tarzabot’s parts in a junkyard and put him back together. Besides Tarzabot’s own experience, he realizes that less fortunate humans have also suffered at the hands of Evatron. Evatron’s cutting edge technology seems to only help the rich, but has driven a large wedge between them and the poor. Thus a rebellion has begun and Tarzabot is at the center of it as he gains compassion for his new human friends that reassembled him and joins their cause.