Banana Monkey Kong 2版本更新游戏攻略
Banana Monkey Kong 2 with new guns, trees, jungle and most important banana and bananas. Run and jump whit monkey kong and be the king of the jungle. Collect banana and bananas, be the king and the kong, collect weapons and armors, run through the jungle on wire and trees and collect the most bananas. Banana Monkey Kong 2 adventure with full banana coins and monkey.
Banana Monkey Kong 2 with new guns, trees, jungle and banana and Most Important bananas. Run and jump whit monkey kong and be the king of the jungle. Banana and collect bananas, be the king and the kong, collect weapons and armors, run through the jungle on wire and trees and collect the MOST bananas. Banana Monkey Kong 2 Adventure With full banana coins and monkey.
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