Create your own Ginger Ale in Factory版本更新游戏攻略
Your school is taking you on a fun educational trip to a nearby juices ale factory. Here you will learn how big machines at factories about all the steps it takes to make one of your favorite ginger flavored ale.
Download and start playing this unique game online now. All fresh lemons and ginger that arrive from farm are first washed in huge tub. All busy factory workers are making tasty lemon and ginger ale in this fizzy juices making free game that kids as well as adults can play. Learn every secret cool trick of mixing all ale ingredients and how to operate big machines in this kids educational game. Pour juices in awesomely styled bottles with help of pouring machine. Operate big plants machines and work with factory workers to pack all these tropical cold fizzy drink bottles. Help load boxes full of ginger ale juices bottles on back of delivery truck so that everyone can enjoy during summer hot weather heat. Make mouthwatering ginger squash ale juice which is just a perfect cold drink to avoid sun stroke in such hot weather. Play each step while enjoying how this cold drink maker factory makes one of your favorite popular ginger drink and beverages.
So join this super easy to play juice making factory game and drink yummy ginger ale that you made to replenish your energy.
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