Prince Harry Royal Wedding A True Love Story版本更新游戏攻略
Hey Guys! We hope that you all have enjoyed the first part of the "Royal Western Wedding game". GameiCreate has given his best to describe a western wedding game with lots of fun and entertainment. This "Prince Harry Royal Wedding: A True Love Story" game also involves a number of games to give you thoroughly enjoyment. The prince harry wedding game includes so much fun with Western Wedding Rituals & Western Wedding vows.
Hey, Wait! Have you played the first part of the "Royal Western Wedding" or not? If not then first play & enjoy the romantic love story of two best friends, lovely proposal, bachelor parties game and the invitation for the guest. There will be so many interesting games & rituals to entertain you in this royal wedding game.
So after the invitation card is made. Prince Harry and Angelina go to the wedding shop where bride will have her refreshing spa treatments, wedding make up, beautiful dress up for the wedding, earrings & necklace and crown. Groom will also have his elegant dress up and then they will go to purchase a bouquet and the beautiful wedding cake. Now they have finished the wedding shopping so it's time to decorate the wedding venue and wedding car. After that flower girl will purchase the flowers and scatter them on the carpet. Now the wedding ceremony starts with bride entry. There will be surprise for her by the Prince Harry. After that wedding ceremony starts when Prince Harry reveals the veil. The wedding vows are taken, rings are exchanged and Groom kiss the bride and seal the vows. And lastly the bouquet toss will be played and couple has their first drive after wedding. Now it's time for the reception. The newly wedded couple had a grand entry in the reception. Then there will be cake cutting and couple dance. Lastly there will be so much fun in the shoe game. In the last, Prince Harry and Angelina will take a look of their wedding album.
Key Features of Prince Harry Royal Wedding: A True Love Story Game:
- Amazing animation and designs for the gameplay
- Purchase wedding shopping
- Decorate the wedding venue and wedding car
- Exciting car mini-games and bouquet throw game
- Unlimited fun in the shoe game
- Enjoy beautiful wedding ceremony
- Decorate the dining table for them
- Amazing western wedding rituals game
- Perfect western wedding vows game
- Perform romantic couple dance
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