"Name That Politician Scratch Game" is a quiz with one politician's picture and answers. The player should scratch the screen to find out what the candidate's image name is. Each point represents a vote. See how many votes you can win.
Check back every day for new game opportunities, prizes and more. Tell your friends and see who knows more.
《Name That Politician存档怎么用》下载版本说明
《Name That Politician存档怎么用》很多玩家下载了Name That Politician的存档压缩包之后却不知道怎么用,小编这就为大家带来了它的使用方法。首先玩家要登陆到游戏的主界面再退出,系统后台的进程也要关闭哦。然后解压压缩包的文件,通过将设备连接到电脑后,将压缩包的文件覆盖电脑中游戏安装目录下Documents文件夹里的同名文件。最后,重新登录游戏。这时你就会发现不可思议的事情发生啦!下载九游Name That Politician,还有更多金币等着你哦。