单机破解版游戏XBOX Startup Soundboard & ringtone游戏攻略
XBOX Startup Soundboard & ringtone providing you with all xbox startup sounds . with the possibility to share the sounds and set them as ringtone ,notification sound or alarm sound .
have fun listening to the sounds or prank people around you with it .
-contains original XBOX, XBOX 360 , XBOX 360 Elite , XBOX One , XBOX one X Startup sounds
-you can set the sounds as ringtone ,notification sound or alarm sound .
-you can share the sound in social network
-favorite sounds
if you have any suggestion to improve this app just let us know .
九游消息:自从中国主机解禁之后,各种主机厂商纷纷加快了进驻中国的步伐,行业巨头微软官方近日在Xbox One活动页面上确认将携带新主机参展月末开启的ChinaJoy2014。本届2014chinajoy地点在上海新国际博览中心(SNIEC)举办。
虽然《最终幻想14:重生之境》是一款2013年就推出的老游戏了,可上线至今仅登陆了PC/PS3/PS4平台,不少Xbox One玩家对本作仍然念念不忘。近日,外媒对《最终幻想14》制作人吉田直树进行了采访,吉田暗示游戏可能会登陆Switch和Xbox One。
日前,开发商Digital Extremes宣布,《方舟:生存进化》支持Xbox随处游玩功能,玩家只需在Windowx 10商城或Xbox Live上购买一次《方舟:生存进化》,即可获得PC和Xbox One两个版本,换句话来说,就是买一送一!