Tekken 7 Moves List and Combos费流量吗游戏攻略
Tekken 7 Moves List and Combos Guide in which we have detailed all the moves, strings, mix-ups, and stances for all characters in the game. It goes without saying but if you have played previous Tekken games i.e. Tekken Tag Tournament II and Tekken 6, you should be familiar with almost all of these moves. However, there are some new moves for almost all the characters and some changes made to the moves from the previous games.
Our Tekken 7 Moves List and Combos Guide will help you set-up devastating combos, punish your opponents’ mistakes, and simply poke them. I would also like to bring up that this is an incredibly long guide which is why I suggest using the ‘Ctrl + F’ feature in order to find the moves for your favorite character. Moreover, you can also access all these moves from an in-game menu but it hinders the gameplay experience and nobody wants it. Lastly, we have also provided you a key to help you understand all these moves. It is a good idea to learn about these universal fighting games notations if you are into playing them.
In our Tekken 7 Moves List and Combos Guide, we have listed down the moves and strings for all the characters in the game so that you can use them to punish your opponents, set-up devastating combos, and to simply poke your opponents.
We are not affiliated with Tekken 7. And it is not an official Tekken 7. The Name, Brand and the Assets are all property of Tekken 7 or their respectful owner.
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