VR Thief (Sci-Fi Stealth)费流量吗游戏攻略
Avoid guards, cameras, lasers, turrets. Sneak and steal pakages. Get Stealth Experience in VR!
Game can be played in Gyro(NON-VR MODE) also.
★ Point the white dot at center of camera to interactables (like menu buttons, interactable objects, head of guard) for interaction
Movement Controls:
★ Look slightly down to move forward or slightly up to move backward (On Screen Slider UI To Assist)
★ Jog in place to move forward.
★ Use Magnetic Trigger to start or stop moving
★ Use Any Gamepad controls for movement (Setup gamepad before using)
★ VR and Gyro (Non-VR) Mode
★ Sneak and steal pakages
★ Two googles which will be unlocked at certain levels
(Night Vision and Look Through Walls Googles)
★ Interactions with robot guards, security consoles, pickup items
Oculus公布了大量VR新作。Oculus公司的内容部门主管杰森·鲁宾(Jason Rubin,Naught Dog联合创始人,Oculus工作室前主管)称:“2017年,Oculus每月至少会推出一款VR游戏。并且新游戏的公布不会影响此前既定的游戏发行计划。”
《剑灵:竞技场》(Blade & Soul:Table Arena)(适配Oculus Rift+Touch手...
近日,一家名为“FeelGood Inc.”的国内游戏公司发布了一支名为《VR足疗》的游戏宣传片,打破了国内游戏行业的VR壁垒,或将引发一波国游VR热潮,带领国产游戏进入VR时代。