Magic Green Unicorn Piano Tiles费流量吗游戏攻略
Magic Green Unicorn Piano Tiles - The best Piano Games 2018 NOW!
Now your dream can come true!
Magic Green Unicorn Tiles brings 200+ hottest songs to one piano game. Magic Green Unicorn Tiles is one of the best free new piano games 2018 to enjoy more songs on your phone.
How To Play:
Magic Green Unicorn Piano Tiles is very easy and simple to play. Tap on the black tiles, don't tap the white tiles to feel the hottest songs in music & piano keys.
The game will stop if you miss the brown tiles or tap on white tiles. Be careful!
Game Features:
• 20+ magic unicorn themes: Magic Green Unicorn Tiles is the best magic unicorn piano of 2018.
• 05+ exciting piano game modes, simple to play: Magic Green Unicorn Tiles is the best awesome piano tiles games for family & friends. Perform your favorite piano songs and impress all your friends with your piano music speed and talent.
• 200+ hottest songs by many genres such as Kids, Popular US-UK, J-Pop, K-Pop, Classical, Holiday and Traditional. Feel the beautiful piano music melodies beyond imagination through every tap with perfect timing tiles.
• You can play offline mode! Enjoy the piano music tiles by yourself without internet interruption! Further, the game is also added new package which includes all new and great songs.
• Awesome game design and graphics for the new piano games 2018. You will feel like you are playing a true magical classic piano made with expensive mahogany, whose rhythm is perfect for any piano music lover.
• Smooth gaming experience, easy to play and lightweight to install.
• Dozens of Fun Mini Games
Try out this game now and challenge your own reaction speed and skills! This speed tapping piano games 2018 is more relaxing than you could imagine.
Magic Green Unicorn Piano Tiles is waiting for you!
Download now!
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