Catum Lab has just a few... millions of cats for you to collect. All you have to do is simply hit the Collect button, wait for a few seconds and a cat or two will show up. It’s up to you whether you’d like to Sell them or Keep them. Fill up your collection, give them names, and share their photos to your preferred social networks.
** The story:
It has been widely known in the scientific community for some time that cats are the true rulers of the world. This discovery was made thanks to the effort of the research team over at Catum Lab.
Hidden away from the public eye, with the best minds the world has to offer, as well as cutting-edge technologies, Catum Lab has found tremendous potentials in the feline species, resulting in massive investments in their research. But for what purpose? Nobody really knows.
You are a fresh graduate, passionate about cats and always eager to learn more about them, will be working remotely for Catum Lab. You spare no thoughts as to what their real intention might be. You care only about the cats.
Your job will be to operate a cat-making device that can create cats out of thin air. From the device’s remote intece, you will be contacted occasionally by your colleagues to learn more about cats and the lab itself.
** Features:
There are literally millions of unique cats for you to collect.
Cats are categorized according to their rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare & Extremely Rare
Each and every cat has a funny sound.
Each cat comes with a randomly generated name but you can change it however you like.
Export your favorite cats into beautifully wrapped photos, along with their names and rarity to show them off to your friends.
You will receive regular emails from your colleagues at Catum Lab, who will provide you with interesting facts about cats or the lab itself.
Follow us to get the latest news:
- Twitter: @FineMonkeys
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CatumLab
Should you have any inquiries or need support, please contact us at
Have fun collecting cats!
白猫 小白
只需要免费猫粮就能满足的纯白色猫咪将会是你在猫咪后院的第一位客人。 价值90银的棒球、价值60银的红色皮球、价值220银的樱花坐垫。可不要心疼银鱼哦,体贴的小白喵喜欢的都是些非常实用的道具呢~