Indian Diwali Celebrations - Diwali Games费流量吗游戏攻略
Play Fun Games To Jazz Up Your Diwali.
Diwali Aarti! Perform a virtual Diwali puja through this game and worship the gods. Perform Puja for Lord Ganesha and Shri Lakshmi. Learn the Importance of performing laxmi puja, know when to perform it, and who should perform the puja.
Devotional songs are sung during pujas held on Diwali. Listen to the Diwali Special Aarti and Bhajan Songs.
Fire up the crackers and watch it sparkling through the sky. Light up the colorful crackers and celebrate the festival of lights.
Diwali Shopping time! Buy Jewellery and sweets your loved ones. Shop from wide range of fire crackers. Explore the exciting Festive special Diwali Dresses in the malls.
Diwali house Cleaning and decoration - Clean up your house before the diwali comes. Choose from Creative decorations to transform your house into a beautiful abode. Decorate your home this diwali with special designs of rangoli.
Cook popular diwali sweets like gulab jamun and laddoos.
Design and Send personalized Diwali Greeting Cards. Our attractive assortment of diwali greeting cards and invitation templates will add a spark in the occasion.
Diwali is incomplete without loads and loads of Diyas in and around the entire house! Get some beautiful Diya Decoration ideas.
Rangoli is an art form, originating in the Indian subcontinent, in which patterns are created on the floor or the ground using materials such as colored rice. Learn to Do rangoli designs with dots.
Have Fun & Happy Diwali & New Year!
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据这位2K Games前员工所言,2K Games在作出打造新IP失败和致使...
群雄逐鹿,问鼎天下!由Miracle Games发行的《一骑当千2》即将登陆微软商店,三国题材游戏向来层出不穷,而《一骑当千2》在诸多游戏中杀出一条血路可以说跟其特色玩法有很大关系的。接下来小编就带你,横扫千军排山倒海,混战三国古战场!
道友,一起来修仙啦!作为一款Miracle Games代理的最火爆的H5游戏《修仙传说》可是拥有最传统的仙侠文化哦,想体验最最梦幻的修仙之旅嘛?《修仙传说》H5版本即将热血开启,同时,在游戏中四大职业底蕴深厚,选择和搭配都很多,还有更开启了浪漫修仙回合!仙侣佳偶模式助力情缘携手!