Baby Care : Hamky (hamster)费流量吗游戏攻略
- Baby hamster Please enjoy the daily life of Hamky together.
- Hamky is cute and expresses various emotions and reacts to the behavior of the children and causes curiosity.
- You can play various roles such as feeding, diaper rinse, bathing, and putting on sleep.
- Friendly hamster friends Hamky!
- Babysitting Role play allows you to play with your baby, feed you, give you a rest, learn the love between your child and your parents, and see, hear, feel, and understand your responsibilities in various expressions such as happiness, joy and sometimes sadness.
* Root Jade
# Jewel in deep root means children's potential.
# Research and develop applications for educational purposes that naturally come to life through play.
# Provide easy manipulation to help children enjoy themselves without the help of their parents, so they can improve their immersive and focused attention.
今年新年,你是打算和小伙伴们一起狂欢到黎明,还是像平时一样宅在家中守候空虚? 我想应该有很多小伙伴跟我一样,每天都有忙不完的事情,难得拥有一次能让人放松的假期,而此刻新年的假期来了,都说新年新气象,每年都要有一个新颖的开端。所以我希望能在新年假期营造一个属于自己的空间,像众多小伙伴们一样,宅在家中,不是守候空虚,而是玩玩自己代言的《无...
第四期《AngelaBaby的“无敌唤灵”游戏成长日记》来了,这次的主题是《比,招!之Angelababy升级之路》。Angelababy公主在竞技场被Jack欺负之后,她决定加班加点练级,争取早日到40级后,在竞技场击败Jack,所以她开始了废寝忘食的练级历程。升级,Let’s go!比,招的战斗即将打响!...