Bead 12 ( Bara Tehni )费流量吗游戏攻略
Bead 12 ( Baro Guti ) is a traditional and one of the famous game played in South- East Asian region especially in Some Indian regions and Bangladesh.
This Bead 12 game is known by different names in different countries. In Bangladesh this game is known as "Baro Guti, in Punjab it is " Bara Tehni".
It is a checker type game like Chess where two player are required to play the game. This game is widely played by rural people.
Game Rules
This game is played between 2 person. Each having 12 Pawns(Bead). These bead can move one step forward on the valid positions of the cort. If a player can cross a pawn of the other side then the player will achieve 1 point. In this way whoever manages to achieve 12 points will be the winner. But winning player could be declared at the beginning of the game.
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头发 锅盖
外套 蓝宝石礼服(3200G)
上衣 池塘里的鱼
裤子 黑色西装裤(1600G)
袜子 黑色中筒袜(300G)
鞋子 真皮板鞋(120...