Buddy+Egg Speed for Pokemon GO费流量吗游戏攻略
How to use:
1) GO
, Buddy+Egg Speed for Pokemon GO, and turn it on
2) A notification and pie chart overlay will appear,, showing useful information about your speeds and distances.
3) Open Pokemon GO and play as you usually would. This app will vibrate your phone when speed limits are reached!
NOTICE: Be sure you are OUTSIDE when using this app so that the GPS satellites have a better lock on you. A good GPS signal is required to report speed accurately.
* Real-time monitoring of your speed and egg hatching or buddy candy distance!
* Real-time pie chart overlay, with average and max speeds
* Notification which runs alongside Pokemon Go.
* Stop or pause the app right from the notification or pie chart overlay.
* Setting to choose km/h or mi/h
* Setting to turn vibration on/off
* Setting to choose size of pie chart overlay
* Setting to turn off pie chart overlay
妖怪手表世界是一款AR游戏,我们都知道现在的AR游戏基本上都是属于使用摄像头找到的屏幕内部出现的角色,而且妖怪手表世界的玩法和pokemon GO非常相似,毕竟都是AR游戏嘛,来看看这个游戏的介绍吧。
今日,Level 5与《智龙迷城》开发商GungHo公布了一款AR手游—...
风靡一时的Pokemon Go,掀起了全球AR游戏热潮,国内的玩家期待Pokemon登陆中国已经很久了。近日由百玩游戏自主研发的3D萌宠AR手游《吃货宇宙之女王守卫》即将上线内测!该游戏不仅还原了即将上映的动画大电影《吃货宇宙》的整个故事剧情,还拓展了战斗、宠物养成、AR合影等新颖的玩法,这是继 Pokemon 之后首款在国内发布的3D版AR手游,12月2日(周六)即将上线,你准备好了吗?
在AR手游Pokemon GO中,流传着各种各样的小精灵的传说,等待大家探索捕捉。但是在神秘的东方文化中,有着许多关于妖魔鬼怪的绘声绘色的描写。他们隐藏在大家身边,只有通过特殊的设备才可以发现它们。现在, AR实景捉妖手游《捉妖手机》即将震撼来袭,更有超全捉妖攻略抢先看,就让我们一起在这个捉妖世界中,体验一段前所未有的捉妖冒险吧!